Anne Siems | Biography

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Artist Statement

I was born in Berlin, Germany. As a child, I lived for three years near Buenos Aires, Argentina. My first extended stay in the US was as an exchange student. After finishing my MFA in Berlin, I moved to Seattle, WA.

My work has moved from semi-abstract, room-filling plant and insect drawings, to paintings of detailed botanical and anatomical imagery on waxed paper bags, to my current work of young women and children on wood panel. The thread here being my fascination and awe of life on this planet and the connectedness I feel to all, but find hard to describe in words.

In the process of finding healing for chronic pain and fatigue, I have deepened my interest in shamanism, ceremony and the deep nurturing that nature provides.

In my work I try to be as honest and true to myself as I can without losing discernment. I aim as best as I can for sincerity, intimacy and openness in my paintings. In them I find the beginning of something that touches the universal. It is a place where others can touch the magic and sensuality that gets exposed in the process.

I think deep inside of us lives a longing to experience a sense of 'falling in love'. A visceral experience without words. For that to happen, this place needs to be free of irony and conceptual humor. I am looking in my work to find the point in which we feel a certain ache – the ache caused by the knowledge that life is full of light and dark, sacred and profane, beauty and ugliness, life and death.

Master of Fine Arts, Hochschule der Kunste, Berlin, Germany 1991

Fulbright Scholarship, University of the South, Sewanee, TN, 1986-87